Modern Slavery Statement

This statement sets out the measures that StreamBank have taken to combat slavery and human trafficking in our businesses and supply chains.

The Bank is committed to tackling modern slavery throughout our business and supply chain. We continue to monitor and enhance the social and environmental impact we have and strive to ensure that anyone we do business with adheres to our principles. This Statement is made on behalf of StreamBank 11995458.

Given the nature of our business and our workforce, the modern slavery risk within our own workforce is minimal. The principal areas of modern slavery risk for StreamBank arise in relation to our relationships with third parties, including our supply chain, and our customers with regards to handling the proceeds of human trafficking. We recognise that, as modern slavery and human trafficking represent one of the largest global criminal industries, financial institutions are in a unique position to disrupt the industry by identifying the proceeds held by perpetrators of this crime and sharing intelligence with law enforcement.

We have suppliers covered by our procurement processes, with the main categories of purchasing spend related to technology, operations, and property. All of our suppliers are incorporated in countries identified as low risk in the Global Slavery Index. We have a series of policies, guidelines, processes, and committees to manage our supply chain and risks. These are reviewed and aligned to our risk appetite statement regarding modern slavery and human trafficking which clarifies that StreamBank will not enter into relationships with entities known to be involved with human trafficking. 

This statement was approved by the StreamBank Board on June 2022.

Steve Pateman, CEO