Savings accounts designed to help you save the way you want to.

We aim to offer consistently good rates, combined with flexible and easy to use products. You will also have peace of mind that your savings will be protected to the limits provided by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

Coming soon
Fixed Rate Accounts

If you’re happy to lock your money away, our Fixed Rate Accounts offer a guaranteed interest rate for the duration of the term.

Fixed rate
TermInterest Rate (AER)Gross InterestMinimum/ Maximum
Term1 YearInterest Rate (AER)4.42%Gross Interest4.33% Minimum/ Maximum£ 1000 /
£ 100000
Notice Accounts

Our Notice Accounts help you save in a way that suits you. You have the flexibility of being able to access your money in a short space of time and you can add to your savings whenever you like.

Notice Accounts
TermInterest Rate (AER)Gross InterestMinimum/ Maximum
Term90 DaysInterest Rate (AER)4.45%Gross Interest4.35% Minimum/ Maximum£ 1000 /
£ 100000