Customer Security

Our customers data security is of the upmost importance to us. However, no matter how many measures we take it is equally important our customers take additional measures to protect themselves from the potential of cyber-attacks and loss of data.

There are many things you can do to protect yourself from these attacks just by being aware of the potential threats.

  1. Never click on links in texts or emails. If you receive any communication that looks suspicious, it’s always best to verify who it’s from before clicking on any links included in a text or an email.
  2. StreamBank will never ask you to share personal or sensitive information. Information such as PINs, account numbers, memorable words or passwords will never be requested from you by StreamBank
  3. Do not be pressured into taking immediate action – Always take your time. Fraudsters are renowned for using scare tactics in a bid to force you into taking action.
  4. Be cautious of the offer of financial incentives. Never trust a message or an offer which says you're entitled to money or are required to pay a fine without checking it is genuine.
  5. Protect your data with up-to-date anti-virus and internet security software.
  6. Back up sensitive files on your computer on a separate source in case you need to restore this information later.
  7. Keep your information private. Do not share logon details with others or with anyone asking for it online.

Online safety – how to protect yourself and family:

The Metropolitan Police also issues guidance on the different types of scams that can occur.
A PDF version is available here:

Reporting internet crime to the National Fraud and Cyber Crime Reporting Centre:

Take Five offers straight-forward and impartial advice to help everyone in the UK protect themselves against financial fraud: